Thursday, 25 October 2012

Business Jazz - 26th October 2012 - Being Brave

The number one thing that holds us back from achieving our goals, from grasping our full potential, is ourselves.

Instead of taking action, we wait.

We wait for the perceived risks to abate, the circumstances to change, more time to become available to us. We wait for the support of others.

We promise we'll leap into action as soon as we have more money, fewer commitments, clearer goals.

Nothing happens. Even when opportunity comes knocking. "I'm not quite ready," we reply.


This week, Paul and Roger discuss two emails - one from Chris Brogan, the other from AJ Leon.

Both highlight the need for you to be courageous.

They urge you to take action over finding excuses.

Chris and AJ want you to become the whole person you are capable of being.

They offer advice.

To listen to this week's episode, hit the play button on the embedded player at the top of this post. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.

Help yourself

If you'd like to subscribe to Chris' emails, you find a place to sign up on his website.

If you're interested in The Impact Equation, the book he recently published with Julien Smith, you can find it on Amazon US and Amazon UK.

If you liked the sound of AJ Leon (and we think you probably do), you can connect with him at Pursuit of Everything.

Business Jazz Players

This podcast is a collaboration of people dotted around the world.

If you'd like to read our story so far, you'll find it here: Our Story. We've taken the liberty of adding AJ Leon.

PS - Would you like to hear more? We sometimes nearly always record an afters session on Audioboo. This is this week's:

Friday, 19 October 2012

Business Jazz - 19th October 2012 - Keeping Ideas Alive

Ideas - we all have them. Some are fantastic, some less so. Most are never acted on.

In his latest email, Chris Brogan gives you seven steps to help you pick those ideas that are good for you and implement them. Paul and Roger discuss their own experiences of implementing ideas.

During the podcast, you'll hear occasional interference from someone's smartphone. Our apologies. The person responsible (Paul Roger) has been spoken to.

Our news

The podcast is available in iTunes now, making it easier to subscribe to.

If you listen to us on your Blackberry, we have you covered too. We've been accepted into the Blackberry catalogue.

Even better is that the cafe at the Blackrock Castle Observatory has given us our own table beside a fire. You can't imagine a more welcoming place, nor a better "studio" to record in.

The Business Jazz players


Business Jazz is a collaboration.

You, our listener, are the most important person.

Next is Chris Brogan. 

If you’d like to subscribe to Chris' email, you can do so by going here: You’ll get a great insight into doing business the modern way - the human way.

This programme is produced and wrangled into shape by Mark Cotton. Connect with him via his page. He's a great musician too. Just listen to this: Just Fontaine boo.

We record the show weekly at The Blackrock Castle Observatory Cafe. They always welcome us and our metres of cable with a smile. We pay for our own coffees. Just in case you think we get a kickback or anything. Not that we'd mind that. Not at all.

If you’d like to know more about Roger, he is here: The Digital Storyteller.

Prefer to connect with Paul? He's a ChangeAgent.

We’d love it if you engaged with us and told us what you think. Leave a comment here or find us on Twitter: @omaniblog (Paul) and @RogerOverall.

Thank you for listening.

The Business Jazz Band

PS - Would you like to hear more? We sometimes record an afters session on Audioboo. This is this week's:

Friday, 12 October 2012

Business Jazz - 12th October 2012 - Email Newsletters

Email newsletters can be great things, full of useful information that can help you achieve your goals. They can also be horrible pieces of writing aimed solely at your wallet rather than you.

In his own latest email missive, Chris Brogan discusses the right way to do things.

As an aside, you’ll have noticed the new logo for the podcast. Designed by Paul on a beach. Literally. The first draft was carved out in the sand.

 The second draft was crafted in Paul’s Moleskine. The third on Roger’s computer, and given the seal of approval over a gin and tonic.

A work in progress

Business Jazz is a collaboration.

If you’d like to subscribe to Chris Brogan’s email, you can do so by going here: You’ll get a great insight into doing business the modern way - the human way.

This programme is produced and wrangled into shape by Mark Cotton. Connect with him via his page. He's a great musician too. Just listen to this: Just Fontaine boo.

We record the show weekly at The Blackrock Castle Observatory Cafe. They always welcome us and our metres of cable with a smile. We pay for our own coffees. Just in case you think we get a kickback or anything. Not that we'd mind that. Not at all.

If you’d like to know more about Roger, he is here: The Digital Storyteller.

Paul is crafting something new, with a website to come, maybe as early as next week. Meanwhile, he’s @omaniblog on Twitter and he Audioboos too.

We’d love it if you connected with us and told us what you think. Leave a comment here or find us on Twitter: @omaniblog (Paul) and @RogerOverall.

Thank you for listening.

The Business Jazz Band

PS - Would you like to hear more? We sometimes record an afters session on Audioboo. This is this week's:

Business Jazz - 5th October 2012 - Lists

Welcome to episode two of the BusinessJazz podcast, or as Paul would say: the second pilot.

We’re making progress. This week we have an intro. We also have a producer.

Our producer is Mark Cotton, and he is so much more than that. He is a sound engineer, sounding board, musician, “stunt guitarist” (we haven’t asked), composer, wrangler, adviser and all-round solid human being. We don’t know where or how to start thanking Mark, whom serendipity placed in our path. Please check him out on his page. On twitter he’s @mcfontaine.

We also have to say a big thank you to Sarah Langston, Mark’s partner, who has stepped in to record an intro while our voice artist recovers from an ill-fated encounter with some food. (Get well Jane). Sarah recorded our current voiceover with grace and elegance at short notice. You can find her on Twitter under the handle @misspheric.

Sarah and Mark bring the band of people associated with the production of this podcast to five, not counting ourselves. The others are Chris Brogan (our inspiration), Jane Boyd (our cheerleader, our rock), and James Macolgan (the man who thought of the podcast in the first place). We hope to add to this troupe.

Of course, there is a second group without whom we couldn’t do this. You. Thank you for letting us into your lives.

By the way, if you want your own copy of the emails written by Chris that we discuss in this podcast, please go to his website and sign up. He’s also at Human Business Works.

We’re working on some artwork for the podcast. Once we have it, we’ll push the programme to iTunes and the Blackberry and Zune libraries. You’ll be able to find us easier that way.

If you’d like to get in touch, we’d welcome feedback. You can reach us via Marketing Write Now (Paul) and The Digital Storyteller (Roger).

Thank you for listening.

The Business Jazz Band

PS - In the podcast, Paul mentions the Cluetrain Manifesto. You can find out more here: The Cluetrain Manifesto.

PPS - Would you like to hear more? We sometimes record an afters session on Audioboo. This is this week's: