Friday, 21 December 2012

Business Jazz - 21st December 2012 - Customers and Community

If we learned anything from Instagram's misstep in the past week it's that businesses struggle to understand the concept of community - even those who are in the social media space.

Making yourself attractive in business is about being able to respect the community you serve.

Chris Brogan talks about the difference between customers and community in his latest podcast and newsletter. He discusses why not all of the people who come to your shop have to buy. The fact that they are bringing their communities into contact with you is already enough. Treat them well and rewards will follow.

Paul and Roger discuss what this approach means in the real world of business. Can the concierge experience be used to improve the sales process?

To serve them well, you need information about your clients and customers. Yet blatant interrogation can be off putting. How do you elicit information and still remain attractive to the customer?

You can listen to this week's podcast using the player at the top of the post or download it directly here: Business Jazz - 21st December 2012.

We're also in iTunes. We'd love it if you subscribed.

You can be part of Chris' community

If you'd like to subscribe to Chris' emails yourself (the ones we discuss here), you'll find a place to sign up on his website. 
They'll come straight to your smart device - or your laptop/desktop, if that's where you are comfortable.

If you're interested in The Impact Equation, the book he recently published with Julien Smith, you can find it on Amazon US and Amazon UK. 

Business Jazz Players

This podcast is a collaboration of people dotted around the world. Most of us have never met each other. It's quite a story and it's still evolving. 
If you'd like to read what's happened so far, you'll find it here: Our Story


Would you like to hear more? Immediately after each recording of the podcast proper, Paul gets out his iPhone and we record an Audioboo with additional thoughts.

Here is this week's:

Friday, 14 December 2012

Business Jazz - 14th December 2012 - Introducing The Flapp

It's an oft-quoted trend: smartphone and tablet sales are outstripping those of laptop and desktop computers.

There is another way of reading that: our social media experience is becoming mobile.

Or how about this interpretation? The window to our online experience is getting smaller. That is: the screens we use are getting smaller.

All that has an impact on our online experience, says Chris Brogan.

Most companies tailor their online presence towards viewers with a large screen. That doesn't provide a great experience for those of us reaching out to them from mobile devices.

Paul and Roger take this to the extreme. Will websites make way for apps produced by individuals, companies and collectives?

What does that mean for Google's powerhouse search engine? Will your app store become your search engine instead?

What about apps themselves? Let us introduce you to the Fluid App (Flapp). Perhaps, we'll all be flapping in the future. You heard it hear first.

You can listen to this week's podcast using the player at the top of the post or download it directly here: Business Jazz - 14th December 2012.

We're also in iTunes. We'd love it if you subscribed.

Connect by Mobile with Chris every week

If you'd like to subscribe to Chris' emails yourself (the ones we discuss here), you'll find a place to sign up on his website. 
They'll come straight to your smart device - or your laptop/desktop, if that's where you are comfortable.

If you're interested in The Impact Equation, the book he recently published with Julien Smith, you can find it on Amazon US and Amazon UK. 

Business Jazz Players

This podcast is a collaboration of people dotted around the world. Most of us have never met each other. It's quite a story and it's still evolving. 
If you'd like to read what's happened so far, you'll find it here: Our Story


Would you like to hear more? Immediately after each recording of the podcast proper, Paul gets out his iPhone and we record an Audioboo with additional thoughts.

There is one for this week, but the production elf who recorded it is out of the country right now and hasn't published it on Audioboo yet.

Instead, here's a brief chat about an idea to produce a rolling list of the people mentioned in the podcast.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Business Jazz - 7th December 2012 - The World is within Reach of Your Couch

Could you imagine changing your life and transporting yourself from your living room couch to a luncheon table with a princess?

Does that seem like too big a leap to contemplate?

For many of us, it does. We are held back by our imagination. And even if we have the imagination to imagine such ambitions, we lack the belief that we can achieve them. We decide they are beyond us.

Not so, says Chris Brogan. He should know. He has made the journey from 9-5 wage slave seeking evening solace in front of the TV to having lunch with Sheika Mariam of Abu Dhabi.

In his latest email, he urges you to paint the picture of your life with bolder, bigger brush strokes. He also offers some tools to help you achieve that.

Paul and Roger add their views to the mix.

You can listen to this week's podcast using the player at the top of the post or download it directly here: Business Jazz - 7th December 2012.

We're also in iTunes. We'd love it if you subscribed.

Get brush strokes from Chris every week

If you'd like to subscribe to Chris' emails yourself (the ones we discuss here), you'll find a place to sign up on his website. 
If you're interested in The Impact Equation, the book he recently published with Julien Smith, you can find it on Amazon US and Amazon UK. 

Business Jazz Players

This podcast is a collaboration of people dotted around the world. Most of us have never met each other. It's quite a story and it's still evolving. 
If you'd like to read what's happened so far, you'll find it here: Our Story

Today we are going to add two more people to the band. We haven't asked them, but they have been so wonderful we would be sad if they weren't included.

First, the super Martin Daniel, a listener in Chennai in India, who has made us smile on many occasions with his support on Twitter. To think our band of heroes has reached that far from home gives us so much pleasure.

We get equal pleasure from the connection we have made with Roger's motherland via Maaike van Dijk-Bokkers. Maaike too has been a lovely Twitter advocate to have in recent months as the podcast grows.


Would you like to hear more? Immediately after each recording of the podcast proper, Paul gets out his iPhone and we record an Audioboo with additional thoughts.

Here's this week's: (Well, the first bit of it. A tragedy befell the recording...)

Monday, 3 December 2012

Transcription - 30th November 2012

Wow! (Again)

Listener Nick Holloway has again transcribed an entire episode. Our minds are reeling at such industry and generosity. A gift from Nick to us and to those of you who prefer to read rather than listen.

You can read the transcription for the episode of 30th November 2012 after the jump.