Saturday, 30 March 2013

Business Jazz – 30th March 2013 – Dealing with the Grind

Chris Brogan talks a lot about learning to love the grind.

The grind comprises all those things that you don't really like doing but are essential to the health and success of your business.

In this episode of the podcast, Jane and Roger discuss various ways in which to make doing the grind more palatable based on their own experiences.

You can listen to this week's podcast using the player at the top of the post or download it directly here: Business Jazz – 30th March, 2013.

We're also in iTunes. We'd love it if you subscribed or left some feedback.

Business Jazz Players

This podcast is a collaboration of people dotted around the world. Most of us have never met each other. It's quite a story and it's still evolving. 
If you'd like to read what's happened so far, you'll find it here: Our Story.


We have a tradition here at Business Jazz of recording a segment of audio around the main podcast, usually afterwards. Sometimes we forget. This was one of those times. An side effect of recording so late at night (Jane) and so early in the morning (Roger).

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Business Jazz – 23rd March 2013 – Just Give It All Away

Can you build a sustainable business based on providing services for free? Counter-intuitive as it seems, there are people doing just that. And they're making good money. Messes with your head, doesn't it?

In this episode of the podcast, Jane and Roger discuss various business models based on the notion of giving away work for free or leaving the decision on the level of compensation up to the client.

Meanwhile, Jane has launched another new website – all about building conversations around your business, event, charity, whatever. You can find out what she does in more detail over at

You can listen to this week's podcast using the player at the top of the post or download it directly here: Business Jazz – 23rd March, 2013.

We're also in iTunes. We'd love it if you subscribed or left some feedback.

Business Jazz Players

This podcast is a collaboration of people dotted around the world. Most of us have never met each other. It's quite a story and it's still evolving. 
If you'd like to read what's happened so far, you'll find it here: Our Story.


We have a tradition here at Business Jazz of recording a segment of audio around the main podcast, usually afterwards. Sometimes we forget. This was one of those times.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Business Jazz - 15th March 2013 - How Do You Treat Your Own Suppliers?

We're all part of a chain. Not only are we suppliers of products and services to our own clients, we are buyers too; we are clients ourselves. That raises a question: Do you treat your own suppliers as well as you would like to be treated by your clients?

One thing that can strain the supplier-client relationship is bad communication. It leads inevitably to misunderstandings and stresses. Jane and Roger look at examples from their own experience in business of where communication went wrong – sometimes by accident, sometimes maybe more intentionally.

They also look at the benefits of ensuring that client-supplier relationships are good, particularly if you are on the client side of the equation.

As an aside, Jane has launched her new website. You can find out what she does in more detail over at

You can listen to this week's podcast using the player at the top of the post or download it directly here: Business Jazz – 15th March, 2013.

We're also in iTunes. We'd love it if you subscribed or left some feedback.

Business Jazz Players

This podcast is a collaboration of people dotted around the world. Most of us have never met each other. It's quite a story and it's still evolving. 
If you'd like to read what's happened so far, you'll find it here: Our Story.


We have a tradition here at Business Jazz of recording a segment of audio around the main podcast, usually afterwards.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Business Jazz – 10th March 2013 – Enough About You, Let's Only Talk About Me

We've talked a lot on the podcast about how putting the emphasis on your customers and clients is a cornerstone of being attractive as a business. Chris Brogan highlights the perspective of "You" (the customer) rather than "Me" (the business) in marketing. We buy into that. You probably do too if you're a regular listener of the podcast.

In this week's episode, Jane and Roger discuss the opposite approach – just talking about yourself. This works well for a large number of businesses, and you'll hear that there are some clear benefits.

It makes us wonder whether Chris is wrong. Or is it a case that both approaches work and that you have to find the one that fits best with who you are?

You can listen to this week's podcast using the player at the top of the post or download it directly here: Business Jazz – 10th March, 2013.

We're also in iTunes. We'd love it if you subscribed or left some feedback.

Chris has a newsletter

If you want to hear the amazing things Chris Brogan is saying, you can subscribe to his newsletter on his website. Utterly recommended.

If you're interested in The Impact Equation, the book he recently published with Julien Smith, you can find it on Amazon US and Amazon UK (these aren't affiliate links, by the way).

Business Jazz Players

This podcast is a collaboration of people dotted around the world. Most of us have never met each other. It's quite a story and it's still evolving. 
If you'd like to read what's happened so far, you'll find it here: Our Story.


We have a tradition here at Business Jazz of recording a segment of audio around the main podcast, usually afterwards.